Try Notion
The Home Page
The Home Page holds a summary of useful information.
Your name in the top left below the logo and a navigation bar below that. Over the top is a button bar and a search panel.
The rest of the page may vary depending on your organisation, but by default is given over to:-
System announcements for your organisation
The most recent three designs
The most recent documents
The most recent deployments.
Cost recovery summaries
Key parts include...
Logging out
To leave the application securely, click the logout button in the top left of the page.
Talk to System Garden
If you need to get in touch, click the contact button and it will try to drop you into a support chat channel. Currently, this is using Slack and by default to #general.
If you need to send a screen shot to System Garden, click on the feedback button and you will be asked to select the area that should be send. Once completed, the image will be sent privately to System Garden, not over the chat channel.
Searching the respoitory
By typing text into the search bar, the internal data will be checked, including designs, documents, and deployment.
Changing password
From the top left click your name which will drop down a menu, Select password, the display changes to show your account information. See the password page for more information.
Changing help level
Clicking on you name again gives three menu choices:-
No Help
Short Information
Full Guidance
This corresponds to no help or guidance at all, short help or full help. When you are starting off, it would be ideal to turn on full help. Later, when you are more proficient, short information may provide the appropriate level of guidance.
In each case, help will appear below the title bar. It can be removed with the 'X' at the top right of the panel, of the help length can be changed with the up or down chevron.
Your help level is remembered for next time you login. Full guidance is the default when you are first signed-up.